Monday, August 10, 2015

Tucker Campground, OR

After picking up doggies from Fido's Fun Farm, we took them to the river for a chance to cool off in the river.

I call this, "Windy-hair warrior pose."

Dogs off leashes, joy, joy, joy!

Staff practicing his "yogurt"

Is it obvious that it's windy?

Friends at the river

A blur of ecstatic fur, so excited to get their paws in the river!

Someone didn't know the rule about not sticking your nose in the campfire ring.

Finny followed the clean nose rule.

We decided to relocate our trailer to Tucker Campground, a state park near the fruit loop, far from railroad tracks, and most important, near the huckleberry shake store.  Tucker is a quiet, no-frills campground that sits along Hood River.  It's managed by a couple that answer the phone as if it's their home, just a simple "Hello?"  Not what I was expecting, "Hello Tucker Campground, how may I help you?"  Yet again, an example of Hood River's laid-back, whatever-dude personality.

The bathrooms are full of scary spider webs and other creatures, so I avoided them as much as possible.  But again, you don't choose Tucker for its luxury bathrooms.  It was the beauty and quiet that drew us back there.  The only sound you can hear is the rippling of Hood River down below the bluff, and maybe the occasional guitar strumming from fellow campers.

One morning, I noticed sprinklers turned on the swing set area, which seemed an odd place to water.  Later that day, I saw one of the camp managers, who said someone had left a cigarette butt near the swing and had started a fire.  Let me repeat that - someone started a fire.  This was about 20 feet from our trailer.  Um, what?!!!!!  There were signs everywhere warning people not burn fires as the forest fire danger was extremely, incredibly, unbelievably high, due to absolutely no rain for the last few months!   

Luckily we slept our usual sleep of the dead during all of that and were blissfully unaware of the deadly hazard in front of our trailer.  Needless to say, we left the next day.

Hood River at Tucker Campground

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