Monday, August 10, 2015

Pacific Coast, OR

The drive to the Pacific Coast was once again, one long photo opportunity.  But daylight was dwindling, so I have no highway photos to post.  Once again, campgrounds along the coast were full, except for one.  The Warrenton Trailer Park and RV campground.  Basically, this was a trailer park that had decided to expand its business by adding a few camp sites.  We were lucky that they had just one spot left.  The good thing about this trailer park was that it was just a few minutes from the beach.  The owner was friendly and thought I was "cute as could be" when I asked if there was a mailbox where I could mail a letter to my mother.
We walked the dogs around the trailer park and entered another universe.  As Stafford observed, "I can be both happy and sad at the same time."  Happy, in that we were both filled with incredible gratitude and humility, getting out of our bubble, as Stafford put it.  On the other hand, it was hard to not feel sad after seeing what I could only call neglect of some of the children.  As my friend says, "Pray always."  I said a few prayers for those kids.
But the sun was out, and we were there to experience the ocean, so we headed to the beach to give our doggies a taste of some real waves and an endless beach to explore.

Farewell, Pacific!  I'm going to Yellowstone, so I can bark at a buffalo and scare the bejeezus out of mommy and daddy!


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