Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer Road Trip 2015- First Stop, Nebraska

The story of our 2015 summer road trip out west starts in the city of Ogallala, Nebraska on Lake McConaghey.  (I don't know if I spelled either of those correctly.)  Sammies were very excited to be in the truck with us instead of at home with the doggy sitter.  Our first stop was in Iowa, but sadly I can't recall a single thing from our stop there, not even the place we camped.  No offense, Iowa.
Lake McConaghey is a huge lake that empties out into a lower lake to keep the farm area from flooding.  It's also a great stop when heading west for a swim and kite surfing.  Normally there is a huge sandy beach, where people park their RVs and just walk a few feet to the water's edge.  But just like when we visited 4 yeas ago, the beach was completely submerged. According to one local, it is never submerged - only when we visit. So Stafford had to slide down the side of this cliff to start his kite session.

He brought his hydro foil board because it allows him to kite in very low wind conditions.  He said learning to ride it was akin to riding a unicycle, but once you figure it out it's fantastic.

A little background - after much debate Stafford convinced me that our Sammies, Finny and Baccia (ba'-cha) could handle being in a campground without going too nutso.  I held my ground for as long as I could, recalling the tumble I took in the last campground while trying to restrain them from eating a nice family as they walked by. Of course, they wouldn't have eaten anyone, but they would have aggressively sniffed.

Also, the timing was a little dicey because my mother was having her hip replaced and needed some help at home.  Luckily, my family rocks, and everyone was able to pitch in and visit during her surgery and recovery, so that Sammies could have their road trip out west.  My mother has spunk and made it through surgery and rehab with her sense of humor intact.  Despite a few tense moments, like a helpful hospital aide insisting that my crossword-puzzle-master-mother do this one really great "word search," she survived and is doing well.

Selfies don't work well with a real camera.

Stafford on his hydrofoil board floating on Lake McConaghey.


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